Time to examine 2020

New moons, full moons, solstices, equinoxes, birthdays, endings, and beginnings offer us the opportunity to reflect on what we’ve learned and set our aspirations for moving forward.
We all know what a rotten egg of a year 2020 was—the memes abound, and it was in almost every holiday greeting. The second week of January may be a shock when we find out that not much is different from the second week of December.

During this quiet week between Christmas and New Year’s Day, take stock of the past year. You can find lots of good tarot spreads for this. I used one from Biddy Tarot, eight cards for reflection. As usual, my cards spoke the truth with a sense of humor.

Here’s what came up for me.

What were my biggest achievements for 2020? The Ace of Pentacles highlights my new website, new Facebook group, new logo, and my budding new business. I also started a dream group. It was a year of saying yes to opportunities, making new friends, renewing old friendships, manifestation, and abundance.

What was my biggest challenge? The Temperance card shows that remaining calm when life was stressful was difficult, as was maintaining and even temperament and managing my emotions.

How have I developed as a person? I was able to follow my heart and take a leap of faith, trusting where the Universe was taking me. The Fool shows that I was able to acknowledge fear and do what scared me anyway.

What did I learn in 2020? The King of Wands came up for this question. I learned to lead my life with intent, vision, and a long-term view. I’m learning that I can create any outcome I wish.

How would I describe 2020 in just three words? The 5 of Wands says conflict, disagreement, tension. With my husband working from home and my granddaughters doing remote learning here at least three times a week, I can’t argue with that.

What aspects of 2020 can I leave behind? The Tower! This card made me laugh. Yes, please, let’s leave the sudden change, the upheaval, the chaos behind.

What aspects of 2020 can I bring with me into 2021? The Ace of Cups—love, new relationships, compassion, and creativity. I should strive to continue to give love, receive love, be love, to allow Divine compassion and unconditional love to flow through me.

I’d love to see what the cards have to say to you. Pull your own cards (or let me know if you’d like a year-end or new year reading with me) and leave their message to you in the comments.

Happy New Year. May 2021 bring you health, prosperity, passion, purpose, and above all, joy!

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