I’m Average

I’m average. Of course I am. The overwhelming majority of us are. That’s why it’s “average.”

I have one of those faces that looks like someone’s fourth-grade teacher, or their sister-in-law’s cousin. No one ever remembers what color eyes I have.

We all want to know that we fit in, that we’re not too tall or heavy or loud or quirky. We want to look and act enough like the next person to blend in. We want to feel our actions and our reactions are in line with everyone else’s.

A large part of this is biology. We had to fit in or be cast out, and we wouldn’t have survived without the group.

Naturally there are those who want to be the fastest or strongest or able to eat the most hot dogs in ten minutes. That’s what the Olympic games and the Guinness Book of Records are for.

But, by and large, we’re all pretty vanilla.

And yet.

And yet we are somehow all unique. Like the stars in the sky and the grains of sand on the beach, we seem the same until examined up close. In an intimate relationship we are able to see what makes another special. We’re attracted to their unique blend of personality traits. And they enjoy our distinctive mix of characteristics.

For many of us, our children share the same set of parents and yet they are individuals. We share things in common with our friends such as values, sense of humor, perhaps a similar upbringing or education, but they’re not interchangeable. We are individuals and yet we belong.

If you’re reading this, it’s because you know you have a magical spark. You have a unique purpose in this life, something only you can do in the way you do it. I’m not the only person who clears energy, or reads tarot cards, or communicates with spirit guides, angels, and dead people. But I’m the only one who does it my way. And you’re the only one who does whatever it is you do your way.

How can you nurture that spark, that magic?

  1. Accept compliments with grace
  2. Give and receive love freely
  3. Make a list of things you like to do
  4. Make another list of qualities you like about yourself (and “my penmanship” is not allowed on the list)
  5. Decorate your home in a way that expresses who you are
  6. Be a part of a larger community. Volunteer. Mentor. Share your unique gift

And here’s the secret sauce: When you order something online, send it to yourself as a gift and attach a love note. 

P.S. Why does vanilla get a bad rap? Is it because it’s ubiquitous? Vanilla is delicious. The beans are expensive. I love vanilla..

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