The Rest of the Story

Earlier this week I got together (virtually) with my friend Lindsay. She’s a medium. We sometimes swap gifts—I clear her energy, she tries to contact my dead relatives, but none of my ancestors ever come through. It’s always a message for someone else.

She said a woman was coming through, a grandmother or an aunt or a grandmother’s sister—there was a sisterly energy to her. She was a homemaker, wearing an apron. She had had a long life and died peacefully of old age. She said thank you. She also mentioned Heather, who had been struggling. This woman said she’d use roses as her sign that she was with the people she loved who were still living, especially Heather (“Who’s Heather?” Lindsay asked. “I don’t know a Heather,” I said.) who had been struggling, so watch for roses.

“She says, ‘I’m doing great up here!’” Lindsay reported… “And her name is Jane… or June.”

Do you remember my blog post from last week? Last week I wrote about June’s memorial service.

P.S. Lindsay does not subscribe to my newsletter. She doesn’t read my blog. I hadn’t talked to her in a few weeks, so she did not know about June’s service.

We create connections in our time on earth that last even after death.

We continue to love someone after they die, and they continue to love and care for us. We create ties that are not easy to break. Even after we’ve fulfilled our soul contract with a person, after we’ve learned the lesson they had to teach us (and us them), we can continue to travel in the same soul circles.

It’s kind of like staying in the same area as your extended family. We enjoy spending time with the people we love. Sure, we can text or call, but that’s not the same as hanging out. A video chat can never replace being in the presence of our family and friends, hanging out, sharing a meal, giving a hug.

June told Lindsay that she would continue to pass messages through me. I can’t wait to see what she has to say next.

Do these sorts of stories give you chills and goosebumps? Do they make you roll your eyes? Do they give you a sense of wonder or excitement? I’d love to hear your ghost stories.

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