What’s That Flavor I’m Seeing?

“Oh, my god, that dress tastes like a Creamsicle! And her sweater tastes like raspberries folded into whipped cream!” I exclaimed while watching Call the Midwife last week.

You may have heard of the Silva Mind Control Method. Basically, it’s a course to enhance your intuition. I started it a couple of weeks ago and it has kicked my synesthesia into high gear.

Synesthesia is experiencing one emotion through another. You might see a color while listening to music, for example. Or taste the colors that you’re seeing.

It may sound unusual, but most people experience synesthesia to some degree, typically with emotions.

You may be surprised to know that there have been multiple studies of the taste-emotion association. When asked, people described love as sweet and jealousy as sour, for example.

Interestingly, the taste of food helped produce certain emotions. After eating something sweet, participants in the study were more inclined to show leniency and to help others.

And it worked the other direction as well.  After reading stories of moral transgression, study participants said neutral water tasted disgusting. And feeling a sense of gratitude triggered a higher preference for sweet foods.

Our emotional state is further influenced by colors that we see, aromas we smell (witness the current popularity of essential oil diffusers), and noises around us.

On top of all that, if you’re sensitive to the emotions of others, you’re doomed.

Ok, not necessarily doomed.

But it can be hard to separate what we’re genuinely feeling from our environmental influences. This is one reason a spiritual practice such as meditation is beneficial. It can help us separate our true emotions from what we’re picking up from our environment.

Or maybe be sure to always have some cookies on hand.

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