Another resolution bites the dust

For 2023, I resolved to bring more humor to this newsletter. Why am I so serious all the time?

Then I started reading a book recommended to me by a client. The book is The Myth of Normal by Gabor Maté. I was barely twenty pages in when I read this:

“Someone without the marks of trauma would be an outlier in our society.” And “Where do we fit on the broad and surprisingly inclusive trauma spectrum?”

My energy clearing practice has brought many people to me. One day, I expressed to a friend my surprise at how each of them had survived some form of trauma.

“They’re drawn to you,” was his response. I figured maybe he was right. I have been given the gift of being able to help others heal and Spirit leads the right people to me. But now I see that we have all experienced trauma.

As Gabor Maté writes, it is a spectrum. Mr. Maté himself was born in Hungary during the Nazi occupation and was separated from his mother as an infant. That’s one end of the spectrum. But the other end is no walk in the park. It’s still trauma.

There are wounds that do not mend on their own. They either remain raw or they become covered with a thick layer of (emotional) scar tissue. Either way, unresolved trauma constricts us physically and psychologically, usually in ways we don’t even realize.

Fortunately, through energy healing, trauma can be cleared without our having to work through it. It can be released so that we are no longer stuck in the past, limiting who we can become. We are no longer fragmented. We can grow to our full potential. We are allowed to flourish.

When I do an energy clearing and I encounter the psychic shock of trauma, I tell the person I’m working with to go to their happy place while I clear. It’s so much easier than traditional talk therapy. There’s no need to relive whatever happened. It may not be released in a single session, but with each clearing, there is a feeling of lightness and peace. Whatever hurtful and overwhelming events you have survived can be cleared. Perhaps this is the year to give yourself that gift.

1 thought on “Another resolution bites the dust

  1. Reply
    whoiscall - August 18, 2023


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