Saint Tony

“If it is a good morning, which I doubt,” said Eeyore, the perpetual pessimist. He also said, “Sure is a cheerful color. I guess I’ll have to get used to it.”

Here we are in the dreary part of winter in the upper Midwest. There’s little or no snow to cheer up the landscape, just brown lawns and bare trees.

When I start feeling like Eeyore, it’s time to switch gears and channel my inner Anthony Bourdain.

Tony Bourdain was known for being almost larger than life.

He was a gourmand, a chef and connoisseur of good food, but he knew that “good food” was in the eye of the beholder. Or palate. In an interview with Food & Wine, he said, “Look, I travel around the world asking people, “What makes you happy, what do you eat and what would you like your kids to eat ten years from now?” Fermented shark, goose intestines, cobra heart, stomach bile soup, and even Frito pie, he dug in with both curiosity and gusto.

He enjoyed almost everything in an over-the-top way. There was no place he wouldn’t travel. On his various TV shows, we watched him get drunk on the local hooch week after week. Besides being a TV personality, he was a three-star Michelin chef, an author, and probably the coolest person I ever met.

So if you’re feeling like you can’t sign on for another dreary day, pray to St. Tony.

O wild and bold Saint Tony, whose heart was ever full of zeal and a voracious appetite for whatever life was serving, bring me revelry and festivity. Show me my unbridled nature and renew my zest for life. The gratitude of my heart will be yours. Amen.

Make some plans this week to let yourself go. Indulge all of your senses. Arrange for a sunny vacation. Get together with your wildest friend. Plan a decadent meal. Let the champagne flow. Have crazy-good sex. Turn on your favorite music, loud, and dance.

As Tony said, Your body is not a temple, it’s an amusement park. Enjoy the ride.


Tony and Toni about a zillion years ago

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