How was your 2023? What word or couple of words would you use to describe it?
I survived? That’s fine. As a matter of fact, depending on your circumstances, that might have been a monumental accomplishment.
Me? I’d say Life Events: my son’s son was born in May; my daughter got married in July. And also Travel: I went to Las Vegas twice; Upstate New York; Cancun; New Hampshire; all over Wisconsin; Michigan’s Upper Peninsula; Alabama; and into Chicago to the Magic Lounge and the Mercury Theater where we had tickets for the season. I feel like I was away almost as much as I was home.
What word would you like leading you into 2024?
I’m choosing Presence. I spent 2023 dashing off to the north, south, east, and west of the United States and I helped plan a wedding. But I wasn’t wholly present. The planning that went into each event and trip kept me in the future rather than the here-and-now. I’d like to resume my meditation practice, and maybe spend a few more minutes each day journaling. And although reading fiction takes me into another world, I’d like to get back to reading a book a week. This is the first year ever I didn’t accomplish that.
Obviously, the word you come up with will be best for you, but if you need some ideas, here are some to consider.
- Focus
- Kindness
- Action
- Joy
- Motivation
- Adventure
- Optimism
- Peace
- Self-worth
- Love
- Spirituality
- Health
I prefer to choose one word, but you might find a quote more inspirational.
I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. – Helen Keller
Or add some sass to your inspiration.
Whatever you do, give 100%, unless you’re giving blood.
I’m trying to be less of an asshole than I was yesterday. Baby steps.
Word, phrase or sentence, now is the time to choose the tone and energy of this brand-spanking-new year. Decide, write it down, and place it where you’ll see it to remind yourself of the direction you intend to go.