I’m in the middle of challenging myself to chant for forty days in a row. Every morning, I chant what’s known as Morning Call for eleven minutes. I then meditate for twenty minutes. I start by chanting om six times. Following meditation, I stretch for ten minutes.
We think that spirituality resides in our heads or hearts, but it’s a full-body experience. Chanting should make you vibrate. You should feel each part of om in your body. aaaaOOOOmmmmm. Om is the sound of creation, the Universe’s original vibration. It connects all living things to nature and the Universe.
Meditation connects us with our souls and the Universe. Likewise, stretching (yogic or otherwise) helps us connect to our body, mind and soul. It increases our energy flow and allows the Universe to flow more freely through us.
We should ourselves as a complete package—our body not separate from our soul. We need to take care of each part of ourselves, realizing that the health, strength, and flexibility of one part affects the other parts.
When we’re comfortable in our bodies, we can express ourselves authentically. How we nourish our bodies, minds, and souls directly relates to how we experience life. Our souls shine through us. We remember that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
This week, express your spirituality physically. Do a walking meditation or say your affirmations while you walk in nature. Do some yoga or other stretching. Do some deep breathing or even try tantric breathing (here’s a beginner’s guide). Want to try chanting? Chant along with Kyle Gray here. Or meditate and start by chanting om a few times. Then take a moment to check in and see if you don’t feel more whole and connected.