I pulled the Emperor as my daily card the other day. It’s the card that represents the Divine Masculine, which we all have within us.
Often we (especially women) have trouble connecting to this energy because we don’t want to seem aggressive. We don’t like to come across as powerful. Strong? Sure. Show me a woman who doesn’t consider herself strong (I had a baby without any drugs. I divorced my husband without a lawyer. I sold a house without a realtor. Tell me how you’re similarly fierce because I know you are.). But powerful?
Power is, well, powerful. It’s the misuse of power that should be frightening. And yet, so often we shy away from claiming our power. There is power in financial freedom and yet we’re reluctant to ask for what we’re worth. We can find power in thinking for ourselves and being (graciously) disruptive. What about the power of being persistent, being the (kind but) immovable object when asking for what we want or deserve?
As women, we can find power in the Divine Feminine by being adaptable, flexible, optimistic, and reliable. These are all admirable traits. The key is to find the balance between yin and yang. We have to embrace the Divine Masculine as well.
Here are three steps to get you started. Think or write about the following;
- Examine your relationships with male authority figures—your father, male bosses you’ve had, etc. Have these figures been supportive and loving? Or have you experienced inequity or even abuse? Examining any wounds will help you uncover unconscious beliefs and biases.
- Connect with your Inner Father. Not your actual father, but the universal archetype we carry within us. This Inner Father is loving and benevolent, a protector. Start a dialog with him using automatic writing, pulling tarot or oracle cards, or asking and listening as you meditate. In what ways can you father yourself? How can you be the father you needed growing up?
- Then, connect with your inner warrior. That sounds scary, doesn’t it? Remember, this isn’t about dominating or fighting. It’s about support and protection. It’s about setting boundaries and taking no bullshit. It’s about cutting through lies and seeing clarity.
Remember, neither masculine nor feminine energy is superior. We need both. And we need to awaken both within us to feel whole and balanced.