In 2008, my daughter’s husband left her abruptly with the words, “I can’t do this anymore.” She had no car, no job, no bank account. She did have a toddler and an infant. This was a dark time for her.
Obviously, it was easier for me than for her, but I had to be there for her like never before, which included taking care of my granddaughters. I loved spending time with them, but twelve hours a day left me in tears many times.
Not coincidentally, in 2008, Pluto entered Capricorn. Pluto is the planet of transformation; it’s about destruction and renewal. Moving through Capricorn, it has forced us to face our deepest fears. On September 2, Pluto stationed retrograde and will be there until November 19th. This is a powerful time to clear out your emotional baggage.
Pluto won’t be in Capricorn again until 2254—long after we’re all dead. Use this energy now, before Pluto moves on.
The best way to work with this cosmic energy is to see where Pluto is in your chart. Don’t know? Click here.
For me, Pluto is in Virgo in my first house.
Here’s a chart of the houses.

And here are the signs.

I have Pluto in my first house, which is in Virgo. I need to sort out any blocks to my personal well-being and my physical health. Oof—that hits home. My body has been a wreck lately. I should also look at my deep self-awareness and my drive for self-improvement. Am I overly focused on me, me, me? (My last couple of blog posts point to yes).
The emotional baggage surrounding all this, what needs to be cleared out, is the way my family of origin treated both illness and ego. We had to be practically dead to stay home from school and then all you got was tea and dry toast. We simply weren’t allowed to be sick. We also had to do what was best for the group. There was no consideration for individual concerns. Well, I should speak for myself. I was the oldest and had to take care of my siblings while my mother went back to school. Which brings the story full circle–taking care of other people’s children.
Look at your chart and see where you can use this intense Pluto retrograde energy.