It’s that witchy time of year, so embrace your inner Hermione and do this simple spell for abundance, wealth and calm into your home.
You’ll need a tea light and some dried cinnamon, basil and lavender. If you don’t have all three, use the one or two that you have in your spice collection.
Sprinkle some cinnamon on top of the tea light. This is for abundance.
Next, sprinkle basil on it. This is for wealth.
Finally, add the lavender. This is for a calm environment.
As you light the candle, focus your intention on those three things: abundance, wealth, and calm.
Then, as the candle burns, imagine how you’d feel with abundance, wealth, and calm. The more emotion you bring, the better.
Sit and stare into the candle, embracing your intention. Sit there for as long as you can. If you can’t wait for the candle to burn out, that’s fine. Go do what needs to be done while still carrying your intention and feeling its positive vibe.
That’s it! Expect to manifest.
And so it is.