The bustle is over, which makes this the perfect time to pull some cards for 2025.
You can use your favorite tarot or oracle deck for this spread. Go to a quiet room. Put your feet on the floor and get centered. Shuffle the deck while focusing on each question, then cut, draw, or drop to get your card.
1. What was 2024’s biggest lesson for me?
2. What do I need to release from 2024?
3. How should I best transition to the new year?
4. What is 2025’s theme for me?
5. What opportunities are coming my way this year?
6. What will be 2025’s biggest challenge?
Here’s what my spread looked like.
1. My lesson from 2024 is the Page of Pentacles. I faced a lot of physical challenges. I was meant to learn how to meet them with an excitement to learn something new. This is an important thing for me to remember as I move into 2025.
2. The Hierophant is about conformity, so what I need to release is strict adherence to approaching things the way others do. I think this will play out most in my approach to spirituality. I want to make it less stuffy and more fun.
3. The way for me to transition is to choose carefully. Stay or go? Stay the same or change? I should be cautious as I move forward, but I should consciously make a choice.
4. The Wheel is 2025’s theme for me. Life is always changing. I’ll need to let go and go with the flow of it. That’s always a tough one for me.
5. What opportunities are coming my way? The deck I chose to pull from has a wild card called the Artist. It’s about being a visionary, an interpreter, a creator, and someone who’s passionate. Bring it on, 2025! I love it.
6. My biggest challenge this year will be Justice. I hope it doesn’t mean the law, which is the literal meaning. But it also means karma, accountability, cause and effect, and remembering that actions have consequences.
Obviously, I’ve condensed my interpretations. I’ll want to journal on what came up and keep those pages handy to reference through the coming year. You will, too.
Let me know what comes up for you. Were there any big surprises?