I carry a skeleton key on my keychain. I also have one on my altar. They’re there to remind me that should an opportunity knock, I have the key to open the door to it.
I realized this week that I have also been carrying around a doorknob for the last thirty-some years. I have no idea where it came from. It has traveled from house to house with me and it never stays packed away in a box in the basement. I always know where it is.
The other day it occurred to me that it is as symbolic as the skeleton keys I always have handy.
You know how sometimes we’re offered an opportunity, but we can’t see how to grab hold of it? It might be the perfect job—across the country from your family and friends. Or a program to master something you’ve always been interested in—but you don’t have the tuition. You get the picture.
By having a doorknob, I’m letting the Universe know that I’m ready. I’m (symbolically) open to what it has in store for me.
You don’t need a doorknob, of course. You might prefer a small steppingstone. Or a tiny ladder. Or a little bridge. It can be anything that lets the Divine know that you’re ready and willing to co-create.
So, what will you use to signal to your spirit team that you’re eager to see what it has in store for you, where it wants to take you, what the next door/step/rung on your journey is?