But why doesn’t my spirit team ever answer me?

Our spirit teams are always with us. Always.

But there are times when we feel they’re ignoring us. We ask for help and get… nothing but crickets chirping.


Imagine this scenario: You feel stuck. You know something must change, but what? What’s the right thing to do? You call out to your spirit guides and angels. Help! I need to know what my next step is for my highest good! Then, every day for the next week, you call out again. Hey! Where’s my answer?

You feel your spirit team, even Spirit itself, has abandoned you.

But did you let your guides and angels know how you wanted them to communicate with you? Maybe they’re leaving sigils made of twigs on the path you walk every day. Or they might be speaking to you in the language of animals. Perhaps they figured you were going to use that old I Ching that’s been gathering dust on your bookshelf.

Did you tell them how to communicate with you? Or were you expecting them to slip a note under your pillow one night?

Dear You,
Leave that soul-sucking job and apply at Kismet Tech. You’re a shoo-in!
Your Spirit Team
P.S. You need to drink more water.
P.P.S. That cute guy at Starbucks has a crush on you. Ask him out.

That’s not going to happen.

Tell your team how you want them to communicate with you. Make it clear. If you’d like a suggestion, get an oracle card deck. I highly recommend Colette Baron-Reid’s Wisdom of the Oracle. Each card has a general meaning, a relationship message, and a prosperity message (depending on your question), as well as what it means if the card is upside down. You may also like one of Sandra Anne Taylor’s oracle card decks. Each card has both a meaning and an affirmation.

Start with only one deck. Get to know it by using it. Pull a card daily. What do I need to know today? or Who do I need to be today? It will take a while for you and your spirit team to speak the same language. That is, for you to properly interpret what they’re saying.

But once you let them know how you want them to communicate with you, watch out! They’ll have a lot to tell you.

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