Break Out the Elbow Grease

As I write this, there’s snow on my daffodils. The calendar says it’s spring, but Mother Nature hasn’t made any commitments.

Last week we had a few days of glorious weather. I cleaned the house, washed all my sweaters, brought out the patio furniture, and got the front yard looking tip-top.

Spring is the season of renewal. After a long winter, we’re eager to shed layers of clothes, belongings, and dirt. We’re in harmony with nature, whether we realize it or not. Energy is low in the winter. Spring makes us want to be active again as the days are longer and brighter.

It turns out that spring cleaning is good for our mental health. It helps us feel we have control, maybe even mastery, over our lives and environment.

There’s a peace we get from having a tidy place to wake up in and return to at the end of the day.

Ostara, one of the eight witches’ sabbaths, coincides with the spring equinox, which has passed, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still benefit from one of its rituals: sweeping. Sweep your home toward the door and then sweep all the dust and dirt right out to where it belongs.

Another ritual is smudging. This is the traditional burning of herbs or plant resins, typically white sage or palo santo, in a white shell while saying prayers of gratitude. Fan the smoke with a feather throughout your space to wash away impurities and unwanted energy and emotions.

Whether we’re performing a ritual or just scouring and disinfecting, we should make it a mindful act. Spring cleaning with intention helps us clear our head and unplug from the virtual world. Once done, having a clean and orderly space feels both calming and invigorating.

A cluttered space is draining and overwhelming. It drains our self-efficacy and confidence. It puts a damper on our whole day.

If you feel overwhelmed before you start, if your entire space is too much to deal with, choose one area and set a timer for ten minutes. With each item you deal with, give yourself some shine (Yes! Way to go! You got this!), then bask in the joy of the neatness of that one space. Chances are it’ll give you the giddy-up you need to reset the timer for another ten minutes.

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