You Say Your WHAT Hurts?

“Here, I can make it hurt,” I told the orthopedic specialist last week as I knelt on the table, feeling like an idiot.

I had put off having my knee and ankle looked at for way too long.

The words of Dr. Yu, my old acupuncturist, were still ringing in my ear.

“Your body is not a car, not a machine. No cutting!” she had scolded me in her heavy Chinese accent. This was after I had had surgery to remove a significant amount of tissue from my left breast in which they found… nothing.

Treat the cause not the symptom, right?

Louise Hay, the queen of affirmations, said we are each responsible for our experience. Every thought we think creates our future. It’s only a thought and a thought can be changed.

I took out her book, You Can Heal Your Life, and looked up joint pain. She said they represent changes in direction in life and the ease of these movements. If there is difficulty in our joints, we may be having difficulty changing our direction.

Has something similar ever happened to you?

Have you taken a job that was so out of line with your purpose that your body rebelled? Have you felt unappreciated at work and gotten nose bleeds?

Or maybe you’ve had an argument with someone and then suffered from a stiff neck? Felt some aspect of your life was such a burden that your shoulders ached?

Been so worried and afraid that you vomited?

The mind-body connection has been studied by many high-ranking professional institutions. Johns-Hopkins is just one of them. It’s not woo-woo.

How we think affects how we feel. How we feel affects how we thinks. Constant worry over a job, finances, or a relationship can lead to muscle pain, headaches, or high blood pressure.

Likewise, health concerns can affect your emotions and lead to depression or anxiety.

Could starting a new business and changing my daily routine to accommodate it be causing my joint pain? Could I cure myself?

Had accepting these changes, embracing the new routine, breaking through the old thought patterns, made the discomfort disappear? It was the only reason I could see for why the doctor and I couldn’t recreate the pain I had been in when I made the appointment.

That or it’s one of those things like washing your car is the surest way to make it rain.

Louise Hay suggests this new thought pattern:
I easily flow with change. My life is Divinely guided, and I am always going in the best direction.

The Universe completely supports, without judgment, every thought we choose to think and believe. You point of power is always in the present moment.

Remember, it’s only a thought and a thought can be changed.

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