The Stain of Stinginess

In the last year or so, I have taken to being less frugal.

And by “frugal” I mean so damn cheap. Two paths led me there.

The first came from a business class I was taking. The instructor was talking about getting sales leads and said matter-of-factly, “There are billions of people in the world. You can get all the leads you want.”

Mind blown.

The second came from hearing some people complain about not having enough money, but “knowing” that being rich would only lead to trouble. What? There’s no reason they can’t be rich. Do you know anyone like that? Someone who says having money would only cause trouble?

Don’t you believe it. Because we can do whatever we want with our money. We can give it to our less fortunate relatives. We can donate it to a worthy cause. We can start a charitable foundation. We can hoard it. We can spend it like there’s no tomorrow if we choose.

There is unlimited money in the world. One person being rich, you being rich, doesn’t keep wealth from someone else.

Money is not dirty. It isn’t evil. Nor will it transfer those qualities to us. Money is energy and it does best when it flows.

“Money flows to me and through me with ease” is an affirmation I used for close to a year.

Then the lightbulb over my head went off. To me and from me.

Get the floors redone, Toni. Remodel the bathroom and don’t base hiring the contractor on the lowest quote. And remodel it because you’ll love your house even more, not to increase the resale value.

In Buddhism, generosity is to releive the stain of stinginess. There is plenty to go around.

Generosity leads to releasing attachment. When we loosen our grip on something, money, love, control, whatever, we allow that something to flow with ease.

We see this in the 6 of Pentacles. There is a sharing of the wealth we have, whether it’s money or knowledge or time. There is also a willingness to receive. Those people who say that having money will only cause trouble? They are showing a reluctance to accept abundance.

I taught a class years ago called Building Your Own Theology. A woman taking the class shared with the group that whenever she was down to her last ten dollars, she’d give it away because she knew the Universe would send it back.

That is some radical thinking.

That is a woman who is allowing the flow of money, both in and out, who knows how to harness the Law of Attraction. She believes that Abundance-with-a-capital-A has absolutely no limits.

What do you have to share? What would you like more of? Where do you hold the reins too tightly?

How radical are you wiling to be?

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