I have a stalker

Actually, two.

Hafez and Rumi have been popping up almost everywhere I turn. If you have to have a stalker, a Sufi mystic poet and a Persian poet aren’t the worst. And they’re both dead, so even better.

“God and I have become like two giant fat people living in a tiny boat. We keep bumping into each other and laughing.”

When was the last time you bumped into God (Spirit, Source… insert your preferred word) and LAUGHED?

When was the last time you even thought about God laughing? Wanting to laugh? Wanting to laugh with you?

I keep a journal of “coincidences”. I have at least two entries every day. Sometimes they make sense. Sometimes they seem like an exclamation point, like pulling the same tarot card from two different decks in one day.

And others you know the synchronicity is just Spirit poking you in the ribs trying to get you to laugh.

We don’t give Spirit enough credit for being hilarious.

We take such a serious tone with spirituality. Everything has to be lofty and profound. Meditation, affirmations, prayer, chanting, rituals… Where’s the fun?

Rumi wrote, “When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.”

He also said, “Respond to every call that excites your spirit.”

What excites you? What makes you happy? Dancing? Singing? Being with friends? Pets?

More from Hafez:

“One regret, dear world,
That I am determined not to have
When I am lying on my deathbed
Is that I did not kiss you enough.”

How are you kissing the world? For that matter, are you even kissing? Or has that joy gone out of your life?

Rumi again, “Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.” Ecstasy is both overwhelming joy and an experience of mystic self-transcendence.

When we engage all our senses in our lives, when we open ourselves up to receive happiness, and yes, dammit, fun, the Universe delivers.

A universal insult is “You have no sense of humor.” Everyone thinks they not only have a sense of humor, but that they have a great one. Same with Spirit.

Maybe some days Spirit is encouraging you to pull its finger. Bump into God and laugh together.

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