Moderation in all things… including moderation

I asked my deck which card I should blog about this week. I should have known better.


Two weeks ago, I had a session with a woman, Shantel Leigh, who does shamanic healing. In my line of work, it’s important to keep your energy in balance.

When I clear someone’s energy, I also get a mini-clearing. But clearing out too much too fast feels like a purge. It’s unpleasant rather than gentle; the emotional equivalent of Drano. Add to that the Lion’s Gate Portal we just had with the new moon back on the eighth and, well…

My sincere apologies to anyone who feels dealing with me was like reaching into a burlap sack and pulling out a rattle snake.

What did Shantel have to say? Nurture the inner child who’s never come out before. Allow my masculine side to integrate with the Divine Feminine within. Give myself an entire self-care day. Get into nature. Find the humor in life, lighten up. Detox. (I’m talking to you, sugar)

In other words, Temperance.

How do we get so out of balance?

We tip the scales when we put our focus on one thing, whether it’s work, our children, checking off the to-do list that doesn’t have self-care on it, or even spirituality.

Too much spirituality? Is there such a thing? I believe there is. We lose our sense of grounding when we constantly seek to have mystical experiences, when we spend too much time studying the magical, when we meditate for two hours a day. Our spirits came here to have an earthly experience. If we didn’t want to live in human form, we would not have chosen to be born.

Balance and temperance lead to alchemy. How can we create a purposeful blend that nourishes wholeness?

  1. Make sure you are on your agenda. What can you do to nurture yourself every day?
  2. Get grounded at least once a day. Go outside and put your feet in the grass or dirt. Be in your body by taking deep rhythmic breaths for a minute (get an app to remind you if you don’t already have one).
  3. Give yourself a bedtime and respect it.
  4. Eat properly which means both nutritiously and giving your inner child a small treat.
  5. Connect with a friend. We have so many ways to do this and it only takes five or ten minutes a day.

Make technology work for you. Set reminders on your phone. I knew someone who even set alarms to eat and get to the bathroom because he’d get wrapped up in something and lose track of time.

Easy, right? Stay away from all-or-nothing thinking. Take care of yourself and others. Do something to get grounded, but don’t forget to meditate. Live in the world of dreams and the world of waking. Eat with adult sensibilities without completely denying yourself little treats. Maintain a relationship with those you love—including yourself. Foster a dynamic flow through equilibrium.

And call in a professional when you need to. Even if you’re a professional yourself.

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