What Venus in Cancer Means for Your Sign

I was watching TV a few nights ago when I was suddenly seized by fierce feelings of love.

My son and his wife are going to have a baby this week (so exciting!)

My daughter is going to get married in a few weeks (about time, Nora!).

My husband does so much for our family. I don’t know where we’d be without him.

My life is filled with friends and clients who I truly cherish.

But these things have been true for months now. Why was I suddenly crying on the couch?

Venus just entered Cancer, that’s why. Are you feeling soft-hearted and lovey, too?

When Venus is in Cancer, staying home and snuggling is more appealing than a spicy tryst. Digging out your grandma’s china and serving cake and tea to good friends beats a night on the town. Cancer is about caring for our loved ones and getting all gooey-sentimental. So, if you’re motivated to handcraft the perfect little gift for no particular reason, or to dig out old love letters (I have a box of them for just such occasions), or wear an heirloom piece of jewelry, you now know why.

Here’s how each sign can expect to be affected from now until June 5th:

Aries: Dig into your family’s past secrets. Commune with your ancestors. Ask them for signs or an answer to a problem. Maybe make an altar to honor them.

Taurus: You’ll be feeling tender toward almost everyone: family, friends, neighbors, even the person standing in front of you in line. Risk being vulnerable and share with them your kind thoughts.

Gemini: Network! You’re a money magnet during this phase and your ability to connect with people boosts this power. Also, get out your photo albums, antique treasures and mementos and pore over them.

Cancer: Lean into what makes you unique. This will attract people to you in the best way. Nourish yourself and you’ll find you are irresistible. Use self-care to amplify the Law of Attraction.

Leo: Take care of you. Get a massage or spa treatment. Sleep and take time to dream. Heed the voice that calls you inward. Cherish your relationship with yourself.

Virgo: People will be showing you how much you mean to them. Let them. Receive this gift with open arms. Say yes to all the tenderness coming your way.

Libra: People are going to be receptive to you, so make that pitch or presentation. Express those ideas you’ve had. Step into the spotlight with confidence knowing you have an adoring audience. Focus on your career or calling.

Scorpio: Cultivate relationships outside your comfort zone. Make friends wherever you may be. Open your heart and let others in.

Sagittarius: This is a time for partnerships and collaborations. But Sagittarius, a word of caution: don’t let past resentments creep in and ruin them. Do a releasing ritual. Set boundaries if you need to.

Capricorn: Ah, romance! Snuggle. Plan a romantic dinner. Send a love note. See if you can get more comfortable with intimacy and being vulnerable.

Aquarius: Show up for those who’ve always shown up for you. Nurture your support systems. Look at your rituals. Are they working? Or do they need reworking? Maybe it’s time to find a new healer or coach to work with.

Pisces: What activities make you happy? Do more of them. Jump into the puddle of pleasure and slash around with your inner child. Make sure that inner child feels safe and loved.

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