What’s your psychic superpower?

A friend recently recommended the Tara Sharp* book series to me. The books are light but engaging and I’m enjoying them. There’s even a character named Toni! But Tara is the main character, and she can see auras. There’s anther character in the third book of the series who has the gift of clairalience, or psychic ability through the sense of smell.

This got me thinking about all the ways we are able to pick up energy.

Clairvoyance is the ability to see people or events at a distance, either a distance of location or of time. Often, when working with a client, I’ll see where they grew up, a dead relative, or something physical like their mother’s favorite flower.

Clairaudience is psychic hearing. It might be a song, a bird singing, or a voice. Have you ever woken up because you thought you heard someone calling your name? If so, you might have the gift of clairaudience.

Clairsentience comes from clair-, meaning clear and –sentience, which means feeling. This can be the ability we all have to pick up on someone else’s energy. It can also be feeling what someone else is physically feeling. If you’ve joined one of my Facebook Lives, you’ve witnessed me feeling someone’s headache or back pain or foot neuropathy. It can also describe feeling what someone else is feeling emotionally (also called empathy).

Clairgustance is especially fun. This is psychically tasting something. I have one client this happens with regularly. I know when she’s had pizza for lunch or just snacked on popcorn.

Claircognizance is the trickiest. It means clear knowing and it’s the receiving of information without any tangible evidence or facts. It seems to be outside of logic. How did I know that? I just knew.

Beyond, or maybe within these abilities there are precognition, perceiving or predicting future events; retrocognition, or seeing past events; and remote viewing, which is seeing things that are happening at a distance or outside normal perception.

We all have psychic abilities. What’s yours? Trust it. Listen to it. With practice, it will become stronger until eventually it’s your superpower.

*The Tara Sharp series by Marianne Delacourt is available on Kindle. It’s Australian and difficult to find in print.

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