There is no How in Magic

How do you fall asleep? How do you meditate? How do you find love?

There is no how. Falling asleep, meditating, finding love—they’re magic. And there is no “how” in magic. There is no thought required. There is no thought allowed. The harder you try to find sleep or someone to love, the more they will elude you. The harder you try to create magic, the further it is from your grasp.

We’ve all heard the stories of mothers pulling cars off their infants, cancer that completely disappears without treatment, and pets who find their way across the country back to the owners. We marvel at the miracles, having no idea who they happen. Which is exactly what makes them miracles.

You won the lottery when you were born. Out of all the sperm racing toward the egg, the one that created you won. Then the cells miraculously divided to become every sort of tissue your body required—connective, muscle, nervous—and your organs and your hair and everything else. You went from floating around to breathing air at just the right moment. This magic happened without conscious thought.

Is it possible to create magic in our lives? I think so. Although sometimes when we shake the apple tree we get oranges falling around us.

Just as we should practice good sleep hygiene to get a good night’s rest, we need to set ourselves up for magic. Meditation is a good place to start. Guided meditation has its place but it’s not the fast track to miraculous change.

Using a mantra keeps us focused. The mind wants to chatter—and it will. A mantra is a vibration, one that mimics a vibration in the universe. Om is the sound of the universe itself, the vibration from which the manifest universe emanates. So-hum is the sound of breath, “so” is the inhalation, “hum” the exhalation.

A sutra is a mantra that has meaning coded into it. It embeds a particular meaning into your consciousness even if you don’t understand the words or the concept. For example, aham brahmasmi (ah-HUM brah-MAHS-mee) means “the core of my being is the ultimate reality, the root and ground of the universe, the source of all that exists.” This is a sutra that puts you on the bullet train to magic.

Affirmations are wonderful tools, I use them extensively, but they are not the well-worn path that a sutra is. Millions of people over hundreds of years have used sutras, increasing their effectiveness. There is also a good amount of letting go in repeating something you don’t understand but trust, similar to a parent singing too-ra-loo-ra-loo-ra knowing it will put a child to sleep.

Another way to let the universe know you want magic to happen is to notice coincidences and synchronicities. Each one is a miniature miracle. Say, Thank you. More please! Then ask for their meaning and listen for the answer. Keep a list of them. Everyone and everything is joined in the interconnected web of being. There is sense in the seemingly random.

Meditate and notice synchronicities for the next two weeks and let me know if your life changes in any way. I’ll bet it does.

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