Black Jellybeans and those bastards at Brach’s

When clearing someone’s energy, I receive impressions different ways. I see images or feel pain or smell or even taste things. When it’s taste, I typically feel like an idiot voicing it. “I’m tasting Fritos” seems so random.

Yesterday I was working with a client and I tasted black licorice. We had been working on something so far from black licorice that I was reluctant to bring it up.

Me: Do you like black licorice?

Client: I do.

Me: I’m getting black jellybeans.

Client: Every year I buy a bag of black jellybeans. You know, the Brach’s ones? Last week I bought a bag and they don’t taste the same. They must have changed the formula.

Those bastards.

Which brings me to the card the Hanged Man.

The Hanged man has a couple of meanings. That it’s time for a pause. Take a break before the break takes you. That you need to get a new perspective. When you’re hanging upside down, the world looks different and that topsy-turvy view is what you need. It also means that you’re putting your focus on the wrong problem, thinking that if you solve one thing it will take care of another, or that if you get angry at this you won’t have to deal with the real issue.

We all do it. We misplace our emotions by crying at a Coke commercial weeks after our dog died (because how could we still be sad after weeks have gone by?). Or yelling at our significant other after our jerk of a boss pisses us off (because we can’t tell our boss how we feel without risking being shown the door). Or thinking that if we move we’ll like the people in our new neighborhood more (rather than doing some shadow work to see if maybe we’re the problem).

Or getting the Hanged Man in four separate readings in one week and thinking the card is meant for someone else. Guilty. Not that the card didn’t have meaning for the people I was reading for. It absolutely did. But four times in five days? My tarot deck is trying to tell me something. And is it a mere coincidence that it keeps popping up the week I attended a webinar on shadow work? Uh, probably not.

Of course, being able to do this work takes self-awareness, a willingness to explore, a desire to heal. But if you are here reading this, I am confident you do. If you suspect you’re misplacing your focus or emotions when things seem to be going wrong in your life, pulling tarot or oracle cards can help.

Try a reading asking these questions:

  1. Why am I experiencing negative thoughts?
  2. What am I not seeing clearly?
  3. What am I holding onto that is hindering me?
  4. What is my first step toward healing?

If you don’t read cards and would like some answers, head over to the scheduling page and set up an appointment with me.

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