Who drives you bananas

Two first-class women

“I can’t believe both Tim and Karen are dead,” I said.

My friend Michelle and I were sitting on the beach recently, reading and chatting. Tim and Karen were friends of Michelle’s, a nice young couple about my age.

“I know,” she answered. “And they died less than a year and a half apart.”

Do you know people who have died soon after their spouse died? My Aunt Ronnie died and my Uncle George didn’t last three days without her. Or, the one that still gives me eerie chills, a woman from my parents’ church died. Her husband was in memory care. The family didn’t tell him his wife had died, figuring there was all the time in the world. While everyone was at her funeral, he died. No one had to tell him; he knew.

It doesn’t have to be married couples. Look at Debbie Reynolds dying one day after her daughter, Carrie Fisher. My husband’s parents died about a year apart and they had been divorced for over forty years.

These examples are all evidence of unfulfilled soul contracts. We promise to teach and to learn life lessons from people as we enter each lifetime. If we fail to fully learn the lesson, or if we’re locked in an unhealthy pattern or cycle, we come back in the next lifetime to give it another try. A couple’s death dates will be close to each other in order to be about the same age the next time around.

I remember when I first started dating my ex-husband. I had a psychic flash of all the lifetimes we had been together. My thought at that moment was, I hope I get it right this time. Then, after ten years together, when I realized I needed to move on, I hoped I wasn’t dooming myself to another lifetime with him. Please let this be my graduation, I prayed to Spirit and my soul. Let the lesson be complete.

Everyone in our life is there for a reason. You can make yourself crazy trying to figure out what that reason is, especially if you have a large family or an extensive circle of friends. Instead, look at a couple of your major relationships: spouse, a child you feel particularly close to or even always at odds with. Can you see the patterns and cycles? Can you tease out the lesson?

We’ve entered the season where family can bring us immense joy and simultaneously make us go bananas. Take a moment both before and after getting together to find a clue to why they’re in your life. How can you make sure you learn the lessons you came here for?

How they drive you up the wall is your first hint.

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