Memories & Hopes

What do you remember from the Christmases of your childhood?

I remember being at my grandma’s house with what seemed like a hundred crazy Italian relatives all drinking and talking at once…

Coming home from church on Christmas Eve and listening to NORAD on the radio as they tracked Santa’s flight…

Not being able to sleep Christmas Eve as I waited to see what Santa brought and to open presents…

I know there were probably Christmas concerts at school and visits to Santa at the mall and going out to buy a tree, but those things haven’t really stuck with me.

So before we drive ourselves crazy trying to “make memories,” let’s take a moment to realize that it’s probably not the things we work so hard to get perfect that will be remembered. If we rush around until we’re exhausted, what our loved ones are bound to remember is that were cranky.

Beautifully wrapped gifts? The perfect tree? A holiday party that looks like Martha Stewart catered it? Does anyone (besides you) really care?

Here’s how to create some real magic this season: Be Present.

Notice your surroundings. Be grateful for all you have. Accept things as they are now. Spend time with people who make you feel happy and fulfilled.

This time of year is about renewal and hope.

Which is exactly what I wish for you.

May you be surrounded by good people who love you. May you take the time you need each day to care deeply for yourself first. May your days be filled with genuine meaning and purpose. May you improve your self-awareness, incorporate your shadow, and find new light shining from your eternal soul. May always feel the presence of Spirit holding you in a warm embrace.

And may you know how much our having shared this year has meant to me.

With light and love,

Lorilee, the Angel Who Blew My Mind

“I had four sisters,” a client was telling me. “First there was Lorilee, who died when she was a baby—”

“Did you say Lorilee?” I interrupted her. “She’s come to me!”

What a crazy synchronicity. Or was it? Either way, I was completely blown away by this session last week.

Two years ago, at about the same time as I started working with this client, I had a friend who was going to have some dental work done. I decided to send him some angels to comfort him.

What I then saw was a beautiful angel with wavy long brown hair, kneeling next to him as he sat in the dentist’s chair. She was holding his hand in one of hers and stroking it with her other hand. I asked her what her name was.

“Lorilee,” she said, not taking her attention away from her charge.

I wasn’t sure I had heard her right. Was it Lorelei? Laura Lee?

She spelled it for me, making sure I understood that the L in the middle was not capitalized. Ok, then. Lorilee.

I relayed this to my client, who was freaking out almost as much as I was. She verified the spelling.

“And I’m not surprised that Lorilee was with him at the dentist’s,” she said. “Everyone in my family has dentures except for me. It’s a thing in my family—everyone has horrible teeth.”

Mind. Blown.

I don’t believe that adults become angels when they die. But I have seen enough proof to believe that infants can. This was more evidence.

What was new, and what I should have realized, was that angels are a part of the interconnected web of being. I had a client who had an angel who specialized in comforting people at the dentist office because of a family pattern. I also had a friend who wanted to send some comfort while he was in the dentist’s chair. And POOF! Like angel magic, there’s a connection.

If you don’t connect daily with your angels, I encourage you to start. They love you almost more than you can imagine and want nothing more than to be there for you, helping you, guiding you, and showing you their love. It’s as easy as saying, Angels, be with me today. Guard me, guide me, show me your love.

You can also request specific things both large and small. Let my travel plans go without any delays, please. Or Help me break though the limiting beliefs that hold me back. Or Show me where I left my other earring. Or Protect me from negative energy. Or Give me courage as I ask for a raise. And let the raise be granted. Or whatever it is that you’d like some help, protection, or guidance with.


Do you ever feel in the flow? Like you’re on track, everything’s going your way, everything is coming your way, you’ve got drive, you’ve got momentum, things are materializing right as you need them, and then

BAM! You hit a wall that you didn’t even know was there. It might be the death of a loved one, an illness whether yours or a family member’s, a tornado, or something else that was entirely unexpected.

What the hell.

If you’re like me, you look up to the sky and say Really? Actually, if you’re like me, you look up and use salty language.

Sometimes things happen that are outside our ability to plan or control.

Why? It seemed like we were in alignment with the Divine and yet we crashed into that wall.

From time to time, we need to pause. Reflect. Reconnect. To remember that we are a small part of something much larger. Every once in a while, we need to be reminded of our mortality.

Sometimes these forced pauses occur to remind us that we’re human beings not human doings.

Perhaps it’s going to take some time for everything needed in your Big Plan to coalesce. Someone you need for an integral piece is dragging her feet.

When we find ourselves flat against the wall instead of chugging along, we need to resist the urge to push through that obstacle. We need to press pause.

We also need to remember that what is ours will never go past us. If it’s meant to be, it will be. And it will be in Divine timing rather than our timing.

When this happens, we can use the time productively by meditating or reviving a gratitude practice or reading an uplifting book. We can get out into nature, or do some yoga, or chant.

When the Universe gives us a temporary pause, nourishing our soul until we get the all-clear signal is in our best interest.

Always on My Mind

Maybe I didn’t hold you
All those lonely, lonely times
And I guess I never told you
I’m so happy that you’re mine
Little things I should have said and done
I just never took the time

When you were always on my mind
You were always on my mind

I keep hearing Willie Nelson singing Always on My Mind lately.

Frankly, that song gets up my sleeve. He didn’t treat her well, treated her like second best, and hopes she still loves him because he at least thought about her?

How about you? Do you have a friendship where you seem to do most of the work? Where you’re always the one sending an email asking how your friend is? Or you’d never see that person unless you suggest getting together?

Do you ever feel that way about Spirit? Like you take the time to meditate or pray but don’t feel any reciprocity? You ask for a sign but rarely, if ever, see one?

There are times we feel unloved and we don’t realize that it’s an illusion.

That guy crooning about always being on his mind? Maybe he’s madly in love and unsure of how to show it. And your friend? Every morning she might vow to email you but then the day gets away from her.

And Spirit? We can’t be separate because we are a part of Sprit and Spirit a part of us. That separation, that longing, comes entirely from within us. Here’s a way to help understand it.

When we dream, our mind creates a story with us as the main character. The dream is not separate from our mind and yet, we experience a dream from this first-person perspective as if it is not happening in our mind.

Life is similar to the dream. It’s difficult to see from anything other than that first-person perspective even though we are one with the Universe. We start to believe that we stop where our skin begins. We are here. Everything else exists out there.

And there it is. As soon as we perceive self and other, we feel separation.

You might want to try an experiment this week. When you see someone, think, We are one. For objects you encounter, We are one.

This tree and I are one. My lover and I are one. My friend and I are one. The music and I are one.

Sprit and I are one. And so it is.


Ok, you’ve got a ghost in your home and it’s freaking your freak right out. You don’t care if it’s your Great-sunt Mildred or that she has the best of intentions, you want it gone.

How the hell do you get rid of it?

The first thing to try is the simplest. Ask it to leave. Sometimes spirits get stuck. They don’t realize where they are. Talking to them and telling them wand can give them the jolt they need to move along. If your Great-aunt Mildred was stubborn in life, she’s going to be stubborn in death. You may have to take a firm stand and use a stern tone to get them to cross over.

To ensure that the spirit doesn’t return, pour a line of salt outside your doors. Or make some cascarilla powder. This comes from the traditions of Santaria, Hoodoo, and Voodoo. It creates a magical energetic barrier. Here’s how to whip some up.

When you use an egg, remove the membrane from the shell. Clean the shell and let it dry. Once you have about a dozen, grind them in a coffee grinder. Or, if you’d prefer to be more hands-on, grind them in a mortar and pestle in a clockwise circle. You can add your intention as you grind to give the cascarilla more potency. Sprinkle this outside your doors and on your windowsills.

If you want to get extra witchy, make cascarilla chalk. Mix the eggshells with equal parts hot water and flour. Mold it into a thick chalk-like shape and roll it in a paper towel to dry. You can also add protective herbs and oils if you like. Try rosemary, sage, chamomile, rose petals, or mint. Use the chalk to draw a protective circle,

You can also smudge with a sage bundle. Open all your windows a crack. Walk from room to room while saying, “I am cleansing this space. All negative spirits must leave.” Catch the ash with a plate or seashell and deposit it outside your home when you’re done.

Make sure you speak firmly but without hate, anger, or threats. You want the spirit to leave willingly and peacefully.

Finally, if these methods fail to move your ghost along, seek professional help.

Talking to the Dead

“Can you reach out to dead people at will?” I was recently asked. “Or is it totally random?”

The answer is that I can’t summon someone who has passed, but it’s not exactly random.

If I’m working with someone who has recently lost a loved one, I will pick up the energy and memories of that person—their cologne, favorite flower, maybe a facial expression or something they always said.

But that’s not the same as getting a message from a spirit.

When I do get a message, they’re typically ones of love and reminders that they are always with us and are happy to be called upon for comfort, support, or help.

Although from time to time, when I’m relaxed, a spirit will come through. That’s been happening more frequently lately as the veil thins between the world of the living and the world of those who have passed.

Hallowe’en is strongly connected to the Celtic ritual, Samhain. And although it is celebrated at the same time as the Day of the Dead (día de los muertos), it is not related to that festival.

Day of the Dead originated with the Aztec, Toltec, and Maya about 3,000 years ago. They believed that death was a part of life, that it should be celebrated rather than feared. They also believed that the dead traveled and relied on the living for supplies like food and water.  This developed into the modern tradition of building alters (ofrendas) at home and also leaving food and drinks at the gravesite.

Samhain was one of four quarterly Celtic fire festivals. It marked the beginning of the dark half of the year. The Celts believed that the threshold between the living and dead was thinner at this time of year, and they would leave offerings outside the villages for the fairies. It was also believed that ancestors might cross over.

The Catholic Church jumped on the bandwagon (as they so often did), and declared November 1st All Hallows’ Day (which is now known as All Saint’s Day) making October 31st the eve of All Hallows’ Day, or Hallowe’en. November 2nd is All Souls Day, a day to commemorate those who have passed.

Many other countries have celebrations around this time—Poland, the Philippines, Romania, Nigeria, and Cambodia, to name a few, so there must be something to it, right?

I can attest to that. As I said, lately, spirits have been coming to me more than usual when I’m not busy. It’s that time of year.

But I should mention that your loved ones who have passed are always there for you. Invite them in. Thank them for making sure you were born. You are here for a reason. Ask them how you can fulfill your soul contract and this part of your family legacy.

And no, they don’t spy on you in the shower.

Do You Believe in Ghosts?

“I need a mass said for someone,” I said to the priest, terrified that he’d ask why. “In Spanish,” I added.

He nodded and consulted his calendar; gave me a date and told me the amount I should donate.

I went back to my car and sat there until I was calm enough to drive. I’m not Catholic. I had never talked to a priest before. I do speak Spanish, but more like a gringa borracha than a native speaker. And I had never met the man who wanted the mass. Not in real life, anyway.

Mr. Gonzalez was a ghost in my house. He was finally ready to cross over and had requested a mass in Spanish. I was determined to grant this final wish. Well, I hoped it was his final request. I got some holy water, just in case.

This wasn’t my first encounter with a soul that had not yet found its way to the other side. But it was the first time I did something about it. I put up with a poltergeist for seven years. It seemed determined to make me think I was losing my mind by hiding things and then returning them after I had bought a replacement.

How about you? Have you ever seen a cat in your house and then realized you didn’t have a cat? Have you smelled a strange perfume wafting in the air? Or heard a noise and found nothing when you went to investigate? Or felt a part of your house gave you the creepiest vibe? Have you seen an apparition?

All Hallows’ Eve, Hallowe’en, Day of the Dead, and Samhain all mark a time to honor our dead, This special time is just two weeks away. Samhain (pronounced SOW-win, sow like the female pig) especially is considered a liminal or threshold time when the boundary between our world and the Otherworld is thinnest, meaning spirits can come more easily into our world. And, like Day of the Dead, it’s believed that those who have passed come back seeking hospitality.

You don’t have to be Wiccan or have Celtic or Latinx roots to honor your dead loved ones this time of year.

If you have an altar in your home, place photos of your ancestors and pets who have died on it for the season. You can also add items that remind you of them such as a favorite flower, food, or book.

Set a place at the table for them on October 31st. You may also want to make this meal silent.

Take a moment to talk to those who have departed. Thank them for their contribution to your life. Ask them for any advice you want or need. Make sure you stay still long enough to hear the answer. You might also want to ask them for a sign to let you know when they are with you.

Or you can simply light candles or build a bonfire. Fire is the perfect way to celebrate as well as welcome in the colder months.

I’d love to hear about your experiences with ghosts. Were they a comfort to you? Or did they scare the pants off you?

Asking for What We Want

“We’re giving up alcohol Monday,” I told my husband, Chris. I had expected him to faint at this news.

I’ve had chronic pain for about three years now and recently went on an elimination diet to see if that would heal it. Chris has been kind enough to change his eating habits with me.

Instead of passing out, he said, “Good. I’ve been wanting to take a break from booze for a while.”

Now it was my turn wonder if we had smelling salts. “Why didn’t you say so?” I asked. He shrugged.

Why is it so hard to ask for what we want?

Who is it most difficult to ask for something? Someone you know well like a spouse or good friend? Someone you know less well like a coworker or neighbor? Yourself? Your angels and guides? Spirit?

Is it that we don’t want to hear no? But if we don’t ask, the result is the same as getting no for an answer—we don’t get what we would like.

Maybe we don’t want to appear weak or needy. I don’t need anyone. I can do this myself.

Or is it a fear of rejection if we show our authentic self?

Being true to our own self means the freedom to express our feelings and desires without worrying about pleasing or displeasing someone else. It means not wearing a mask to hide our vulnerability. That mask can leave us feeling anxious, empty, or depressed. And it leads to being out of touch with our true feelings.

How much better is it to say, Please help me make dinner. Or Could you stroke my hair? I’m feeling sad. Or This necklace is what I’d love for Christmas this year. Or I’d like to take a break from booze for a while and it would be easier if you did it with me. How about I’d like to discuss a 15% raise? I’m pretty sure no one ever got fired for asking for a raise.

If asking a friend, partner, coworker or boss feels too daunting, try asking Spirit. Last week I talked about how the best prayer is like a conversation. Ugh—my car is making a funny noise. Help me find a trustworthy mechanic. Spirit knows which ones are reputable.

Or ask your angels and spirit guides. Their sole purpose is to help you, and nothing makes them happier. This is something I do before I’m even out of bed in the morning.

Just remember that asking Spirit or your angels and guides doesn’t get you out of having to ask a human for what you want or need. Taking off the mask and being authentic means taking risks.

But look at how much happier we could all be if we had the help we so desperately needed.

Conversations with Spirit

Let’s talk about prayer. Do you pray?

I guess the first thing we need to do is figure out what prayer is.

There are stock prayers like the Jewish Shema, the Christian Lord’s Prayer, the Buddhist Refuge Prayer, and the Islamic Fatiha. I always find prayers like this to be like buying a greeting card for your lover instead of writing a love note yourself. There’s nothing wrong with Hallmark, but how much more meaningful is a personal message?

Sometimes we feel we have to be formal when we pray. We pull out the fancy, flowery language. But formality puts us at a distance from Spirit. Formality leads to distance and distance leads to feeling powerless. Feeling powerless can lead to resentment.

Feeling distant from Spirit also leaves us feeling alienated. But, as Rumi said, we are not a drop in the ocean, we are the ocean in a drop. Spirit dwells within us and we within Spirit.

Many religions call Spirit “beloved.”  How do we talk to the one we love the most? We excitedly talk about a new project. We bitch about traffic. We say I love you. We express gratitude. We have conversation after conversation.

Thank you is a powerful prayer. Thank you for the beautiful sunset. Thank you for all the love in my life. Thank you for the green light. Thank you for my favorite song coming on radio. Gratitude keeps the good things flowing to us.

Affirmations are also potent little prayers. I always know my next right step. And so we do. Money flows to me. And so it does.

Another simple and powerful prayer is to invite Spirit to be with us as we wake up each morning.

I encourage you to look at your view of prayer. Here are some questions that may help you.

  1. Do you believe in prayer? Why or why not?
  2. How do you feel if someone says they’ll pray for you?
  3. What types of prayer do you like? Standard ones from a faith community? One you learned as a child? One you’ve found as an adult? One you’ve written yourself?
  4. Do you pray for guidance? For help in difficult situations?
  5. Have you tried prayers of gratitude? Of praise? (Look at that moon! A cardinal right when I needed a sign! Free cupcakes!)
  6. Do you pray for friends? Family members? Strangers?
  7. Do you ever have conversations with Spirit?

Tell me how you pray. Or, if you don’t, I’d love to hear why.

When Breath Becomes Prayer

Let’s talk about prayer.

Wait! Don’t go!

Ok, let’s talk about breathing. Slow breathing, to be precise.

Seven books of the Chinese Tao written around 400 BCE focused entirely on breathing. How it could kill or heal us, depending on how we did it. There were detailed instructions on how to regulate the breath, slow it down, hold it, and swallow it.

Even earlier, Hindus, who considered breath and spirit the same thing, described elaborate practices to balance breathing and preserve both physical and mental health.

There were Buddhists who used breathing to lengthen their lives and to reach higher planes of consciousness.

Slow breathing goes by another name, prayer.

When Buddhists chant their most popular mantra, Om Mani Padme Hum, each phrase lasts six seconds, with six seconds to inhale before starting again.

The chant Om, the “sacred sound of the universe” takes six seconds to sing with a pause of six seconds to inhale.

The best-known chant of Kundalini yoga is also done for six seconds with six seconds to inhale.

Japanese, Native American, Hawaiian, African, Taoist, and even Christian religions all developed the same prayer technique requiring the same breathing pattern.

The original Latin version of the rosary, the Ave Maria, is just a fraction shorter with a 5.5 second rhythm. This is the version with half being said by the priest and the other half by the congregation.

We can reap the benefits without the chanting or praying if we like, by deliberately slowing our breathing. If 5.5 seconds in and 5.5 seconds out is too long, start with three seconds in and out and work up to 5.5 seconds.

This differs from 5-5-5 breathing in two ways. First, there is no holding of the breath. And second, the inhalation and exhalation are each slightly longer.

Doing this for five to ten minutes a day can be transformative. Scientific studies have shown that slow breathing (also called resonant breathing or coherent breathing) offers the same benefits as meditating. It’s like a touch of prayer for people who don’t pray.

This week, give slow breathing a try. See if you don’t feel calmer, restored. Next week we’re going to talk about actual prayer. You won’t want to miss it.

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