Working with Archangel Raphael

“Your aura is green,” my guru told me when I was twelve.

Is it a surprise that I had a guru when I was that young? Or does it sound like me?

Emerald green is the color of healing. You don’t need to have a green aura to harness its power. Call on Archangel Raphael.

Raphael is the doctor of the angelic world. He can heal your body of any illness, disease, or condition, so that you can do the things you want to do in life.

You can also call on him when someone you know needs healing from anything from a slight cold to a major illness. You can even ask for healing from something you don’t know about.

Envision his light around you and say, “Archangel Raphael, be with me now. Surround me with your beautiful green light. Heal me of all physical challenges, whether I am aware of them or not, so that I am fully whole and experiencing vibrant health.”

Raphael is also the match-making archangel. He watches over those who need a soulmate. You might be looking for a close friend, a love interest , or a business partner. Raphael can help you make the perfect connection.

Saint Zsa Zsa

image from Amazon

“Now that will get me in touch with my inner Gabor sister!”

I was scrolling through formal dresses on Amazon this week and came across this number.

I found it–the perfect dress, Well, the perfect dress to make my daughter cringe, anyway. I sent her the link.

“Mom, no.” she said, horrified.

My daughter is getting married in July. I know I’ll find the right dress. This isn’t it. but it would be a fun one to own for when I’m feeling frumpy.

I know I said I’d be writing about archangels this month, and I will. But what we need right now is Archangel Zsa Zsa. Or maybe Saint Zsa Zsa, patron saint of beautiful, charming, sexy women. Call on her when you’re feeling unattractive or when your libido is low.

Why do so many of us feel like no one finds us appealing? How can we channel our inner Saint Zsa Zsa?

There is nothing sexier than confidence (unless it’s being relaxed because of that confidence). Here are some affirmations to work with.

  • I love and respect my body.
  • I’m relaxed and happy with who I am.
  • I exude confidence.

Here are some that are a little bolder.

  • I am sexy and attractive just the way I am. I know it and so do others.
  • I deserve love and affection.
  • People notice me when I enter a room. They want to get to know me.

Want some even spicier affirmations?

  • I am irresistible.
  • I am grateful for my body and the sexual pleasure it experiences.
  • My sex life is amazing and satisfying.
  • I am a sexual goddess/god.
  • I’m sexy and I know it!

Work it, honey!

Working with the Archangels

Michael, Haniel, Gabriel, Uriel, Raguel—so many archangels to choose from.

In addition to working with your angels, your personal guardians, we can also tap into the power of the archangels.

These beings of light are not limited by time and space. Their healing energy is never exhausted. All we have to do is request their presence and poof! They’re with us.

I can feel it when they appear. Maybe you can, too. Try it.

Sit quietly and ask Archangel Michael to join you (“Archangel Michael, be with me now”) and then pay attention to your body. Did your ears pop? Did you get chills or goosebumps? Did you feel like someone else was in the room with you? Did you sense one of his colors, which are dark blue and gold?

Even if you don’t sense anything, he’s with you.

Archangel Michael is strong and protective. He helps us to feel safe and secure. His name means he who is like God. He carries a sword to create fairness and maintain justice.

Call on Archangel Michael if you:

  • need an extra dose of courage or strength
  • feel you, a loved one, or something valuable to you could use protection
  • want to activate the parts of your mind that are about structure and logic
  • would benefit from an energetic cord cutting*

Although these archangels come from Christian religious traditions, you don’t have to identify as a Christian to call on them.

I’ll be covering other archangels in the next few newsletters so you’ll know who does what. But this week, give Archangel Michael a whirl.

* cord cutting helps to recover energy that has been lost and to re-establish healthy energetic boundaries

Is Home Somewhere You’ve Never Been?

Is there a place you’re drawn to? Somewhere you feel you belong? Have you been there or is its call to you a mystery?

New England is that place for me. I have no idea why I feel so connected to it. I mean, I assume I lived there in a past life or two, but, well, let me give you some examples of what I’m talking about.

I once went to Framingham, Massachusetts, for some training. I instantly knew my way around. This was astounding because I can get lost going around the block.

I visited a friend in New Haven, Connecticut, and felt my soul had been torn out of me when I left. I sobbed for days.

As a college freshman, I wrote a poem that ended:
Take me home
I’ve never been there

Just as there are people we are immediately drawn to, individuals who we meet for the first time and instantly know, there are places we feel inordinately attached to.

In some of our lifetimes, we choose to reconnect with people in our soul group. In others, we have new lessons to learn. And so it is with places. For all the times I could have gone to Boston, none of them panned out. The closest I’ve gotten is the airport as I made my way to New Hampshire. Just landing I got teary. Maybe in my next life I’ll be ready to go back. We’ll see what my soul has to say about that.

If you’ve had a similar experience, I’d love to hear about it.

And you might want to try a past-life regression or a look into the Akashic records*. These can be illuminating experiences that help us to better see what we came here to do this time around.

*The Akashic records are the collection all universal events, thoughts, words, emotions, and intent to ever have occurred in the past, present, or future. Like past-life regression, they can be opened for viewing through meditation alone or with the help of an experienced guide.

Another resolution bites the dust

For 2023, I resolved to bring more humor to this newsletter. Why am I so serious all the time?

Then I started reading a book recommended to me by a client. The book is The Myth of Normal by Gabor Maté. I was barely twenty pages in when I read this:

“Someone without the marks of trauma would be an outlier in our society.” And “Where do we fit on the broad and surprisingly inclusive trauma spectrum?”

My energy clearing practice has brought many people to me. One day, I expressed to a friend my surprise at how each of them had survived some form of trauma.

“They’re drawn to you,” was his response. I figured maybe he was right. I have been given the gift of being able to help others heal and Spirit leads the right people to me. But now I see that we have all experienced trauma.

As Gabor Maté writes, it is a spectrum. Mr. Maté himself was born in Hungary during the Nazi occupation and was separated from his mother as an infant. That’s one end of the spectrum. But the other end is no walk in the park. It’s still trauma.

There are wounds that do not mend on their own. They either remain raw or they become covered with a thick layer of (emotional) scar tissue. Either way, unresolved trauma constricts us physically and psychologically, usually in ways we don’t even realize.

Fortunately, through energy healing, trauma can be cleared without our having to work through it. It can be released so that we are no longer stuck in the past, limiting who we can become. We are no longer fragmented. We can grow to our full potential. We are allowed to flourish.

When I do an energy clearing and I encounter the psychic shock of trauma, I tell the person I’m working with to go to their happy place while I clear. It’s so much easier than traditional talk therapy. There’s no need to relive whatever happened. It may not be released in a single session, but with each clearing, there is a feeling of lightness and peace. Whatever hurtful and overwhelming events you have survived can be cleared. Perhaps this is the year to give yourself that gift.


However you celebrate the Yule season,
I hope it is bringing you happiness.

This is a time of darkness, a time to be quiet and to pause (while instead we’re bringing the bustle). It is a time to remember that most people are good (even when family is driving us bananas). It is a time to reflect (even when we feel we don’t have a second to spare).

I will be carving out a few moments to celebrate having all of you in my life. I have learned so much this past year from you, mostly about compassion and what it means to be fully human (even after we’ve passed on).

Thank you for joining me on this past journey around the sun, whether you’ve had a private session with me, attended one of my Facebook Lives, or read this newsletter from time to time.

Your presence has touched me and enriched me spiritually. It has been a genuine honor to get to know you better. 

With heart-felt love,

Solstice Time

I feel like I’ve tried to cram ten pounds of Christmas into a five-pound Santa sack.

The days are almost at their shortest and there is more darkness than there is light in the sky.

This is meant to be a time of going within, a time of introspection.

And what do we do instead? Shop! Wrap! Decorate! Bake!

If you’re like me, you do all of those things at break-neck speed, promising yourself you’ll sleep in January and asking yourself if you can fit in just one more show, party, or get-together.

Today the Fool came up as my card of the day. And I knew what it was trying to tell me:

Let got of the fear of relinquishing control. Stop trying to live a normal life.

If we can relinquish control, our normal life gives way to one of curiosity. We start to experience a deep connection to the Divine.

Connection to the Divine takes many forms. It can also be called finding our true selves. And our purpose. Re can rediscover the Divine that has been within us all along and express it to the world.

The hard part is that what is called our waking life has a vested interest in keeping us rooted in normalcy. The world would prefer us to be sedated by busyness. Conform, it whispers. And conforming at the holidays means Shop! Wrap! Decorate! Bake!

With the solstice, we are encouraged to have faith. To believe that there is something more. We have to release all that we know and all that we’ve relied on. We must find our innocence, the purity, and the childlike wonder within. It’s there. It always has been. We either forgot or listened to someone who told us it was gone.

So, step into the unknown, into the darkness. Spend time in self-reflection. You’ll emerge once again with your inner light glowing and lighting your path, the path to your most powerful self.

Dream Big!

This first card indicates that there’s something you’re not seeing. And this one says there’s a man in your life you’re having difficulty with. Now, with this third card, make sure you’re putting your attention on the right areas…

This was my first tarot reading, over twenty years ago. I had paid for it in our Unitarian church’s annual auction. It told me absolutely nothing. What wasn’t I seeing? Who specifically was the man I was having trouble with? Where should I be putting my attention?

We come to the cards with expectations. We’re looking for answers. We want confirmation of what we suspect is true. Or light shed on what is eluding us. Or information about a goal we have in mind whether it’s financial, romantic, or spiritual.

And those expectations of ours are so narrow. Sometimes it’s difficult to even see beyond yes or no. Should I take this job? Is he having an affair? Am I living at my highest vibration?

With narrow expectations come narrow answers.

The universe is vast. It’s multifaceted in ways we can never truly comprehend. It’s an interconnected web of energy beyond our understanding. It isn’t possible to know how any of it works.

Instead, we can imagine it as a limitless array of glittering jewels. Among the limitless possibilities, the right one will light up for us when we need it. And, and this is the most wonderous part, when it needs us.

Our dream desires us as much as we desire our dream. Our wish wants us to come true. Our vision longs to celebrate us.

This morning in our Live, I will be leading a guided meditation to help you further realize this truth. Join us and feel the desire your dream has for you. Come see your path light up for you.

If you miss the Live, don’t worry. You can watch the recording.
And if you’re not a member of the Morning Glory Tarot Facebook group, you can join before our Live.

Memories & Hopes

What do you remember from the Christmases of your childhood?

I remember being at my grandma’s house with what seemed like a hundred crazy Italian relatives all drinking and talking at once…

Coming home from church on Christmas Eve and listening to NORAD on the radio as they tracked Santa’s flight…

Not being able to sleep Christmas Eve as I waited to see what Santa brought and to open presents…

I know there were probably Christmas concerts at school and visits to Santa at the mall and going out to buy a tree, but those things haven’t really stuck with me.

So before we drive ourselves crazy trying to “make memories,” let’s take a moment to realize that it’s probably not the things we work so hard to get perfect that will be remembered. If we rush around until we’re exhausted, what our loved ones are bound to remember is that were cranky.

Beautifully wrapped gifts? The perfect tree? A holiday party that looks like Martha Stewart catered it? Does anyone (besides you) really care?

Here’s how to create some real magic this season: Be Present.

Notice your surroundings. Be grateful for all you have. Accept things as they are now. Spend time with people who make you feel happy and fulfilled.

This time of year is about renewal and hope.

Which is exactly what I wish for you.

May you be surrounded by good people who love you. May you take the time you need each day to care deeply for yourself first. May your days be filled with genuine meaning and purpose. May you improve your self-awareness, incorporate your shadow, and find new light shining from your eternal soul. May always feel the presence of Spirit holding you in a warm embrace.

And may you know how much our having shared this year has meant to me.

With light and love,

Lorilee, the Angel Who Blew My Mind

“I had four sisters,” a client was telling me. “First there was Lorilee, who died when she was a baby—”

“Did you say Lorilee?” I interrupted her. “She’s come to me!”

What a crazy synchronicity. Or was it? Either way, I was completely blown away by this session last week.

Two years ago, at about the same time as I started working with this client, I had a friend who was going to have some dental work done. I decided to send him some angels to comfort him.

What I then saw was a beautiful angel with wavy long brown hair, kneeling next to him as he sat in the dentist’s chair. She was holding his hand in one of hers and stroking it with her other hand. I asked her what her name was.

“Lorilee,” she said, not taking her attention away from her charge.

I wasn’t sure I had heard her right. Was it Lorelei? Laura Lee?

She spelled it for me, making sure I understood that the L in the middle was not capitalized. Ok, then. Lorilee.

I relayed this to my client, who was freaking out almost as much as I was. She verified the spelling.

“And I’m not surprised that Lorilee was with him at the dentist’s,” she said. “Everyone in my family has dentures except for me. It’s a thing in my family—everyone has horrible teeth.”

Mind. Blown.

I don’t believe that adults become angels when they die. But I have seen enough proof to believe that infants can. This was more evidence.

What was new, and what I should have realized, was that angels are a part of the interconnected web of being. I had a client who had an angel who specialized in comforting people at the dentist office because of a family pattern. I also had a friend who wanted to send some comfort while he was in the dentist’s chair. And POOF! Like angel magic, there’s a connection.

If you don’t connect daily with your angels, I encourage you to start. They love you almost more than you can imagine and want nothing more than to be there for you, helping you, guiding you, and showing you their love. It’s as easy as saying, Angels, be with me today. Guard me, guide me, show me your love.

You can also request specific things both large and small. Let my travel plans go without any delays, please. Or Help me break though the limiting beliefs that hold me back. Or Show me where I left my other earring. Or Protect me from negative energy. Or Give me courage as I ask for a raise. And let the raise be granted. Or whatever it is that you’d like some help, protection, or guidance with.

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